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Cari iLmu DuNk

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Melawan Syeitan dan Iblis, Kenali Mereka dan Perangi

Bismillah, Semoga Informasi Ini Berkah dan Bermanfaat Dalam Upaya Memerangi Kemungkaran dan Memperterang Jalan kedekatan kita dalam naungan serta lindungan sang pencipta (Allah azza wa jallah). “Membunuh syeitan dan Iblis”

Jenis Syeitan
Sytan. Khanzab
Sytan. Walhan
Sytan. Walhan
Sytan. Dasim
Sytan. Abyadh
Sytan. Zalanbur
Sytan. Bathar
Sytan. Al-'Awar
Sytan. Mathus
Sytan. Laqnis

Jenis Iblis
Iblis Zailatun (زَيْلَة ٌ )
Iblis Wawatsin
Iblis Akwan
Iblis Hafaf
Iblis Wamurah
Iblis Laqwas
Iblis A'war
Iblis Al-Wasnan
Iblis Dasim

Umar bin Khatab Radhiyallau 'Anhu berkata:
“ Jenis Iblis yang menjerumuskan manusia ke dalam jurang kesesatan itu banyak sekali. Bahkan ada ulama yang berpendapat bahwa dalam menyesatkan manusia Iblis itu mem­punyai spesifikasi keahlian tersendiri sesuai dengan bidangnya. Yang ahli menggoda orang shalat tugasnya hanya menggoda orang shalat, yang ahli mengkufurkan orang yang beriman tugasnya hanya mengkufurkan dengan berbagai tipu daya dan propaganda yang menyesatkan, begitu seterusnya.”

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Hari Valentine

                         Valentin day

If you want to show your partner that you love nothing better than this inflatable heart to see all the love I feel for her. It’s a nice way to make him see that you love on Valentine’s Day. This inflatable heart is a good way to surprise your partner for this special day, which no doubt it will go very well. Is a heart that swells and the result is perfect. The price of this heart for Valentine’s inflatable is 11.4 euros. It is a perfect gift for your partner, so you know that you remember her and love her very much.
Download Lagu -> Ungu - I Need You.

:-> Part 2
Martina Lourdez, usually on call Lourdes this woman is a beautiful woman from England. However, she was not young anymore she was 42 years. She lives in Liverpool, the city where he was born.

One summer, his best friend, Mary-shen invited him to go to a vacation in Greece. He never went to Greece, he wanted to know about the country, so he decided to join the-shane Marry in Holiday.

In Greece they were staying at a hotel near the beach. There, they were greeted by a man named Aaeroniz friendly. He is the manager of the hotel. One night Martina Lourdes went to the bar to drink some, he found Aeroniz stand there and they start a conversation.